Friday, July 8, 2011

Moving moving and more moving

So, as you may have noticed, I've been MIA this week.  Well, that's because WE MOVED!
We're still in Hawaii, in fact we're just around the corner from where we used to live.
So between packing our old house, moving everything to our new house, and trying to organize our new place I haven't found any time for blogging. 
And it doesn't help that our old apartment didn't have internet access for a week. 
And that we're still struggling to get a reliable internet connection in our new place.
So if my posting is kinda hit and go the next little bit, just know that I'm hard at work decorating and will have lots of pictures to show you in the coming days.  
But don't get your hopes too big for my decorating. 
Student budgets can be limiting.


Jenna @ said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck with the move, Candace! I can't wait to see you and Beau's new place :)

Leah said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm moving apartment's in a month and I'm already dreading packing..haha! Hope you're getting all moved in- I can't wait to see all your decorations! :)

Kimberlee said... Best Blogger Tips

I must say I've missed your more regular posting. Hope moving is going well.