Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

It's that time of year, family, and friends. It's the one time of year that everyone remembers to be grateful.

Some things I am grateful for...
Being married to such a great guy
Living in paradise
Attending such a great university
All the wonderful family and friends that I have

For Thanksgiving this year we spent the day with Beau's Aunt and Uncle on the opposite side of the island. We had a delicious dinner together. We are SO grateful that they invited us over. Their house was BEAUTIFUL and everything was absolutely DELICIOUS.
Me and the hubby
The three woman with beautiful lei's
The gorgeous view from the front of their house

The beautiful table setting
Lots of yummy veggies
Creamy mashed potatoes
Turkey and wonderful cranberry sauce

It was so nice being able to webcam with my family back home. I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!!!